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I migliori articoli su

famiglia courtney (wilbur smith)

allora sono in crisi nera :oops:

ho bisogno di aiuto da chi ha letto tutti i libri della famiglia courtney

come si chiama il figlio/figlia di sean e ruth quello nato dopo il loro matrimonio (non Storm)

ed è vero che Dirk uccide suo padre e Ruth? in che libro??
io credo di averli letti tutti, ma questa cosa non la ricordo :roll: :oops:
Mamma di Alessia nata il 14.09.2008 e di Sara nata il 15.01.2011

Si può anche morire per certe carezze...
perché la vita è morire per certe cose non dette

A Sparrow Falls is the concluding part of Sean Courtney's life story. It begins with a young soldier named Mark Anders being sent out to kill a German sniper in the First World War. Sean admires him and offers him a job. Mark returns home to find his land taken and his grandfather murdered. He makes an investigation and discovers that Dirk Courtney is trying to build a dam which would destroy all life over a massive area including his stolen land. Father and son clash and Dirk swears to kill Sean. Mark falls in love with Sean's daughter, Storm, and South Africa moves towards a tumultuous civil war. In the climax of the book, Dirk brutally kills Sean and Ruth but is then killed by Mark. Mark regains his land and becomes the warden and lives with Storm in relative happiness.
The Sisterhood of The Calf 40
less is more, always


che vergogna... nn mi ricordo neppure io!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
ma gli ho letti anni fa!!!

mi pare che il primo figlio si chiamasse michael...

poi che Dirk uccide la mamma e il papà..... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

li devo rileggere!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) ... -nido.html


succede ne "gli eredi dell'eden"...

Dirk uccide Sean e Ruth :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ... -nido.html

dammispazio ha scritto:A Sparrow Falls is the concluding part of Sean Courtney's life story. It begins with a young soldier named Mark Anders being sent out to kill a German sniper in the First World War. Sean admires him and offers him a job. Mark returns home to find his land taken and his grandfather murdered. He makes an investigation and discovers that Dirk Courtney is trying to build a dam which would destroy all life over a massive area including his stolen land. Father and son clash and Dirk swears to kill Sean. Mark falls in love with Sean's daughter, Storm, and South Africa moves towards a tumultuous civil war. In the climax of the book, Dirk brutally kills Sean and Ruth but is then killed by Mark. Mark regains his land and becomes the warden and lives with Storm in relative happiness.

cavolino... io mi ricordavo che Sean si innamorava della sorella di MArk che si chiamava Storm... ma se Sean stava con ruth...
?????? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

oddio devo proprio rileggerli! ... -nido.html